When I prayed at the end of my sermon, I stepped down off the little platform where I stand at the front of our sanctuary and walked straight into “the vestry.” One of the great things about sharing space with a Lutheran congregation is the incredible names they give to these rooms. We have a sacristy, a parlour, a nave, and everyone’s favourite: a narthex. I typically give myself a thirty second breather at the end of the service by walking the music stand that holds my notes into this side room before heading back out to chat with people as they’re leaving the sanctuary. But on this particular morning, I needed more than thirty seconds, so I snuck out the back door and made my way through a narrow hallway, cut through the kitchen, and headed for an empty table near the back of the gymnasium where the final part of our service would take place: Discussion Groups. (Note: This post is part of an ongoing series called The View From Here . Please follow this link and ...
"As a novelist no less than as a teacher, I try not to stack the deck unduly but always let doubt and darkness have their say along with faith and hope, not just because it is good apologetics - woe to him who tries to make it look simple and easy - but because to do it any other way would be to be less than true to the elements of doubt and darkness that exist in myself no less than in others." - Frederick Buechner, Now and Then